Before & After Photos

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Replace Support Posts Under Sunroom, Haverhill, MA

A homeowner in Haverhill, Massachusetts, had been living in their home since the late '90s. About 10 years ago the homeowner noticed some of the support posts started to sink under their sunroom. After seeing it get worse and worse, they decided to call EFS for a free inspection. Our design specialist recommended replace the current supports under the sunroom with Helical Piers. 

Cracking In Garage Floor Causing Concern, Haverhill, MA

A homeowner in Haverhill, Massachusetts, was becoming worried about a crack in their garage. The homeowners have lived in the home since 1999 and weren't sure if they were going to sell the home or stay. Regardless of their decision, they decided to call EFS for an inspection of their garage. Our Design Specialist recommended installing Geolocks in the garage to stabilize the back wall of the garage. The team installed 4 Geolocks onto the rear foundation wall of the garage. The team used the Geolocks to straighten the wall and prevent the crack in the garage from getting larger. 

Replacing Old Temporary Supports in Crawlspace, Haverhill, MA

A homeowner in Haverhill, Massachusetts purchased a home in mid-2021. An inspector took a look at the home and notice that there were temporary posts installed in the crawlspace. The inspector recommended replacing those with a permanent solution. The homeowner decided to call EFS for a free inspection, and our Design Specialist recommended installing SmartJacks to replace the old temporary post. 

Front Stair Replacement, Haverhill, MA

The owner of a rental property in Haverhill, Massachusetts, had the stairs at the front of the building continuously deteriorating and the owner would like to have them replaced. The owner decided to call EFS for a free inspection of their front steps. Our Design Specialist looked at the steps and recommend installing a new set of stairs that don't have wooden planks. 

Late 1800's Home Needs New Supports, Haverhill, MA

This homeowner in Haverhill, Massachusetts was experiencing inadequate supports in their basement. They decided to call EFS for a free inspection.

A design specialist arrived at the home and inspected the supports in the basement. The design specialist recommended replacing the wooden supports in the basement with SmartJacks.