Before & After Photos

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Radon Mitigation - Fort Calhoun, NE

This was a remodeled home a few years back and they never thought of getting a radon mitigation system. Now that radon is trending all over the news and social media they wondered if it's better to be early than sorry. So they got their own system. Happy decision for all family members!

Radon Mitigation - La Vista, NE

This client had a very healthy more and wanted to make sure to maintain it by also getting a radon mitigation system. Very happy with the result. 

Radon Mitigation - La Vista, NE

The homeowner had a very cool home and wanted to make sure that its value does not depreciate due to unprotection from radon. Installation was done quickly. 

Radon Mitigation - La Vista, NE

This was a huge home with a big backyard. The homeowners tested for radon but returned low levels. Regardless of their result, they were really worried that a surge of levels might happen in the future so it's better to be safe than sorry. Well, whatever they believe in, is true. Good decision!

Radon Mitigation - La Vista, NE

Met with Sharon and Don who are both retired. Don likes to fish and is a Husker fan and used to be in the Air Force. What they have is a split entry home with finished basement and small HVAC room. The team tested and detected levels of 15.6 and Sharon was more concerned with radon but wanted to also address in case of a future sale. Now, that's a good move!