Before & After Photos

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Radon Mitigation - Shenandoah, IA

This was one of the most challenging projects the team has faced. The client was an 80 year veterinarian and is very meticulous on every aspect of his home. The main point of him getting a radon mitigation system was for not himself, but for the future generations who would stay in the house. He also believed the resale value would be up because of this if ever his family decides on selling. He was also interested on the Breathe EZ filter for additional protection. His was simple and not that large but had some remodeling done. The team had lots of learning opportunities with this project as it took all day for the system to be perfectly installed.

Radon Mitigation - Shenandoah, IA

This home had a wide open basement. It needed 3 points and the team drafted the exact location for the suction points. The installation point starting would be in the second point under the stairway next to the foundation, third point will be over the HVAC. The clients tested and results came back with 32 pCi/L which was really high. She has been very anxious as her cats have been sick for a month or two and she's convinced radon is contributing. Everything went well and advised customer she can have peace of mind. 

Radon Mitigation - Oakland, IA

This lovely client had her home tested for radon and really wanted to have it mitigated as soon as possible. Her home was really nice and had easy access from the attic to work with. Everything went well. 

Radon Mitigation - Oakland, IA

This was a nice client with big dreams for her family. She just wanted everyone to be healthy overall and that's the main reason she got a radon mitigation system. She recently purchased this home without one, so she contacted Radon Defense Midwest and due to the helpful reviews and her friend in town who used us, she decided ahead. She had a 3-chamber home with an old garage along with a living room that is under renovation. She was all about numbers and pursuing a discount but at the end she wrote a check for a full price! She wanted her levels to go down immediately so everything was set for her in the end. 

Radon Mitigation - Avoca, IA

The owner installed a radon mitigation system to safeguard his family and enhance their protection against exposure despite the modest size of the house.