Before & After Photos

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Radon Mitigation - Armstrong, IA

This client's reason why he decided to get a radon mitigation system installed in his home was really sad but we always believe we need to move forward. He lost his wife last year and would like to consider selling his home. Part of the reason to sell a home quickly is it should have a radon mitigation system. So he made the decision as early as today so he would no longer worry when the time comes that he is fully decided in the future. We made sure the installation and process were easy for him. 

Exterior Install - Emmetsburg, IA

Cole and Jordan did a great job with this exterior install for our customers

Radon Mitigation - Muscatine, IA

Radon Testing and Mitigation in Muscatine, Iowa

This is a 1-point system out of the utility room in the house. There is no sump as the team checked the home. The client has multiple kids he cares of -- reason why they are getting a mitigation system. They also mentioned about adding Breathe EZ into the mix as they heard some reviews about it. They were a close-knit family so it wasn't really hard communicating in terms of how the process would go. They would be considering duct cleaning in the future. 

Radon Mitigation - Wayland, IA

This is a single point system in the basement that is fairly open and going out the back side of the home. It will need to go out through the rim joist on whatever looks best on the backside of the home. Carey - the Project Specialist was not able to get a photo of the back to two in the appointment was so it will be up to the client's judgment where it looks best. The team can make it work with her preference anyway due to the allowance in the room where the radon mitigation system will be set. There's no sump it downstairs so we can place it wherever for an extraction point. It was an easy install as the client was cooperative!

Radon Mitigation - Tiffin, IA

Are Radon Mitigation Systems Worth It?

This client was originally thinking about putting a system in a year ago but the contractor was some random company and told them it was a 5-6 month waiting process. Not with us! They also mentioned seeing us at the Iowa State Fair and wanted to give us a shot. They did say we priced higher but also offered other options and a better design based on their radon levels of 15. The installation was 2 point system that will be along wall walking down the stairs. It will then route out an exit through the tiny storage room to the left of the stairs and out the garage in the insert portion towards the back. The client was a super nice guy and wanted pure reassurance that the radon mitigation system is worth. He was happy how everything turned out!