Before & After Photos

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Water on Old Vapor Barrier in Otis, OR

This homeowner knew their vapor barrier was getting pushed around by water. They tried to stop this by placing rocks over the vapor barrier, thinking the vapor barrier would stop falling out of place. However this just allowed the water to more easily pool on-top of the barrier. To find a solution to the crawlspace issues, they chose to have John's do a full encapsulation. 

Swisshome, OR Moist Crawlspace

This giant crawlspace was transformed from a dirt floor crawlspace to a clean, dry and sealed crawlspace.

Tidewater, OR Crawlspace is full of Water

This wet and muddy crawl space is not a dry clean space. We replaced the broken drain pipe with a duct that takes out all the wet dirty air and filters it through our dehumidifier that then puts out dry clean air.

Muddy Crawlspace in Tidewater, OR

This crawlspace would flood and create a dense muddy mess, to keep water levels from damaging the wooden posts the homeowners dug a waterway under their home. To find a long-term solution they turned to John's Waterproofing and had a full crawlspace encapsulation installed. 

Moist Dirt Floor in Crawlspace - Toledo, OR

This homes crawlspace dirt floor was moist to the touch, and mold spores were creeping up some of the wood. To address the issue we installed a full encapsulation system to keep this space dry and healthy.