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Extraction point of a recent radon mitigation system our team installed.
This is a good example of a basic installation with an exterior fan. Notice the quality workmanship along with top quality supplies and fan.
It is important to encapsulate any dirt crawlspaces that may be present in your home. We then connect the radon system to the sealed crawl creating negative pressure under the membrane. This also is beneficial to your homes insulation rating and improved the overall indoor air quality.
ALS Property Associates completed a radon mitigation system replacement at a residential property in Allegan, MI. This radon system required a full replacement of the fan and pipes. The previous piping was not to Michigan code as the previous radon company used sewer grade pipe on the exterior of the home. New schedule 40 piping was installed and ran from the basement extraction point to the exterior of the home. The radon fan was installed on the rear exterior and vented above the roof line.
See a before and after an exterior radon fan our team installed. We were able to install it near other utilities on the side of the house that no one can see. The owner was happy with the location and they system is effectively lowering the radon levels.