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Become A Dealer Customer Testimonial from Bryan N. in Colorado Springs, CO

I declined John Donahue’s offer (to consider becoming a National Radon Defense dealer) two or three times.  Each time he suggested I contact other home inspectors currently in the network and get their opinion on joining NRD.  I eventually and reluctantly agreed.  After speaking with a few of the other home inspectors I became intrigued and interested in what NRD has to offer.  Coincidently, I had been looking to expand my business anyway.  In fact, I had already spent several hundred dollars in additional training, and on the path to expand into commercial real-estate inspection. 

I took the leap of faith and joined the NRD network in July of 2022.   After a few months of training, certification and licensing, I launched my new business (www.rockymtnradon.com) in September and signed up for Home/Trade show that brought in 20+ leads. With the Tree House leads, the leads from Alpha Energy, in addition to leads that had responded to various ads from my website, I was a lot busier in my new radon business from September through December than I had anticipated as I was expecting a slow growth similar to home inspection. This was timely for me since my home inspection business began falling off in July due to various reasons in the real-estate market, like increased interest rates, fewer qualified buyers, etc.  Unlike my franchised home inspection business--where I share a territory with several other fellow franchisees, NRD offers dedicated territories to dealers to help increase potential for success.

Additionally, they encourage on-site training with Radon Defense Midwest to start getting you hands-on OJT.  This was invaluable training. The guys I worked alongside with, treated me with respect and did not seem bothered to have a newbie tag along at all.  They also make themselves available to answer questions and help provide solutions to challenging situations you may face.  Even after all the calls I made my first few months, they still picked up the phone to help.

- Bryan N. of Colorado Springs, CO
Wednesday, February 15th