What You Need To Know About Radon Before Buying or Selling a Home
Springtime is upon us, which means the season of home selling and buying is here. Before buying or selling a home, there’s a list of tasks that you must complete. For example, checking any mechanical issues, such as roofing, furnace, and water problems could be your priority. However, another item that should be on the top of your list is testing for radon.
What is Radon, and Why is it Important?
Radon is an invisible natural gas that sneaks into our homes and infects the air we breathe. This tasteless and scentless gas can get into the house through cracks and holes in the foundation. Once the gas has entered the home, it can get trapped. When inhaled, you have a higher risk of being diagnosed with serious health problems.
Spending copious amounts of time inside can increase the risk. Local geology, construction materials, and house structures remain among the many reasons radon levels in a home will rise. But luckily for you, there are solutions.
Buying a Home
What to look for when buying a home- radon edition
- All houses, regardless of location, need to get tested. Radon testing is the only way to know if radon is present in the home.
- Those who engage in buying a home should request a radon test during the estate transactions.
- Radon levels vary from home to home. A house next door could have tested and resulted in the perfect number scale, but the one across the street may have different results.
Selling a Home
What to look for when selling a home (radon-related)
- Sellers should test for radon before putting a house on the market.
- Whether it’s been two years since the last test or if the house has undergone any major remodeling work, you should perform a new test.
- If a radon test shows levels above 4.0 picoCuries/liter (pCi/L), follow-up with a radon specialist for the next steps.
- Radon mitigation contractors recommend that the house go on the market with an effective radon reduction system and reduce radon levels.
- You should test for radon before listing a home for sale. If the initial test comes back less than four pCi/L, another buyer may still request an additional radon test as part of the home inspection.
What Should I Do If My Home Tests Positive for Radon?

To keep you and your family safe, contact our trusted radon mitigation contractors today!
Although DIY testing kits seem favorable, contacting your local radon professional to discuss your test results is the best option. Your results will determine what next steps you should take. In the meantime, you can open your windows and use fans/vents to circulate air to release high levels of radon gas temporarily.
Before you pack up or unpack your belongings, make sure your current or future home is free of hazardous radon levels. If you or the homeowner cannot remember the last time the house was tested, schedule an appointment with a National Radon Defense radon testing and mitigation contractor now! Our specialists will help lower hazardous radon levels so you can focus on your next chapter in life.