40% of Minnesota Homes Have Dangerous Radon; Only 1% Have Tested

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Radon exposure is a serious public health issue in Minnesota. According to a recent analysis by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), 40 percent of homes in the state have dangerously high levels of radon. This means around every two in five homes in Minnesota have serious health risks from radon exposure.
Even though a greater number of homeowners are completing radon tests than ever before, the MDH revealed that only one percent of homeowners have tested for radon in the past five years. For context, the Environmental Protection Agency recommends re-testing your home for radon every two years.
Radon, a colorless, odorless gas, is responsible for more than 21,000 lung cancer deaths in the U.S. each year. The risk is higher for smokers, but even nonsmokers can suffer the consequences of radon exposure. In fact, radon is the leading cause of lung cancer for nonsmokers in the U.S.
The average level of radon in Minnesota homes is about 4.6 pCi/L, more than three times the national average and much higher than the level of radon considered safe. The state's geology and cold climate contribute to the high radon levels, as many home heating systems can draw in radon gas from the soil during the winter. Using your basement as a living space could also increase radon exposure, so it's important to make sure that your home is safe from this dangerous and naturally occurring gas.
It may be easy to slip into the mindset that radon exposure and its resulting health problems can only happen to other people, not me, especially since radon is only detectable through a radon test. However, with only one percent of Minnesota homeowners conducting radon tests in the past five years, a huge amount of people could be at risk without even knowing.
The MDH is trying to change that. By partnering with local public health departments, they are working to make radon test kits available to Minnesota residents at little or no cost. There's no reason to put the safety of you and your family at risk - radon testing is easy and affordable, so don't wait!
Radon exposure can be easily avoided through radon testing and, if necessary, the installation of a radon mitigation system. Contact your local radon contractor in Minnesota today to schedule a professional radon test or invest in a proven radon mitigation system to restore your home's health and air quality!