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National Radon Defense Praises New HUD Policy for Radon Testing in Multifamily Homes

National Radon Defense Praises New HUD Policy for Radon Testing in Multifamily Homes - Image 1

National Radon Defense Praises New HUD Policy for Radon Testing in Multifamily Homes

Omaha, NE - The United States' leading network of radon professionals, National Radon Defense, is applauding a move by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that requires radon testing on all multifamily housing units that receive HUD financing or refinancing. If testing shows high levels of radon, steps must be taken to mediate that risk.

National Radon Defense President Curt Drew says the policy change will keep millions of people living in multifamily housing units safe from exposure to deadly radon gas.

"Radon exposure and the resulting lung cancer kill more than 21,000 people in the U.S. each year and it doesn't have to be that way," Drew said. "It is so easy to test for radon and, if levels are high, to install a mitigation system. Now, families living in HUD housing will be able to feel safer in their homes."

The changes in the HUD policy on radon were part of a larger, overall initiative aimed at making homes healthier. The initiative is called Advancing Healthy Housing - A Strategy for Action and is the product of several Federal agencies. To read more about the initiative, visit the HUD website.

National Radon Defense is the world's most trusted source of radon measurement and mitigation services. Its international network of radon professionals strives every day to provide their local customers with the best value in radon measurement and mitigation services. Contact National Radon Defense for more information about radon testing, radon mitigation, and this new HUD policy.